UNESCO Chair on Community Media
The conference organizers are excited to announce first keynote speaker of Brno ´13 Media Diversity for Democracy prof. Vinod Pavarala, UNESCO Chair on Community Media and social scientist from India.
Vinod Pavaralais Professor of Communication at University of Hyderabad, India. After completing a dual Masters in Communication & Journalism and Sociology, he obtained his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, USA.
For over five years he has been one of the leading campaigners for a national policy on community radio in India and has played a significant role in the drafting of the media policy in late 2006. This allowed community-based organizations to start their own radio stations.
In February, 2012 he was chosen to be the first ever UNESCO Chair on Community Media. The Chair operates as a liaison among the communities, media activists, academia and policymakers. Simultaneously his mission is to conduct research and documentation of best practices and endorse capacity sharing among community media practitioners.
Books and articles by Vinod Pavarala:
Pavarala, Vinod; Kanchan K. Malik. 2007. Other voices: the struggle for community radio in India. SAGE Publications. 318 pp.
Pavarala, Vinod. 1996. Interpreting corruption. Elite perspectives in India. SAGE Publications. 260 pp.
Pavarala, Vinod. 2003. „Breaking Free: Battle over the Airwaves“ In: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38, No. 22, pp. 2166-2167
Pavarala, Vinod. 2003. „Building Solidarities: A Case of Community Radio in Jharkhand“ In: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38, No. 22. pp. 2188-2197
Pavarala, Vinod. 1998. „Exploring media culture: A guide.“ In: Contributions to Indian Sociology Jul98, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p572-573
Online publication – Community Media – A Guide for Civil Society http://www.communityradio.in/pdf/community-radio-in-india-a-guide-for-civil-society.pdf