General and laos-thai assembly
It is good to meet and over few types of curry talk about the vision and the way how to realize it. Members and collaborators of met in laos-thai restaurant in Brno, Czech republic to talk about the strategy and priorities for the year 2013.
The main goal of the existence of RadioExpert as civil society organization in Czech republic is the recognition of community media in this region. The question how to achieve this goal is still the biggest challenge for each of the enthusiasts.
One thing could push this development forward - the organization of a successful conference on community media in Brno. We are in the phase of pre-organization - we have the idea and decision to be different. Like apples and oranges.
Second big topic for us is the continuity and development of existing ideas and projects. The whole team has many ideas - but we have realized that we should increase the personal capacity, involve more people. Till then we want to focus on Romay Youth Radio Project. We consider it to be the most perspective. Reason for that is simple - radio in IQ Roma Servis is here, moved to the new headquarters of our partner organization and it can develop into something more regular now. But we don´t forget about our vision of creating a network of Roma Youth Radios across Central Eastern Europe.
We hope that this year will be very exciting. Due to the volunteers and project partners in the first instance.
Let us know what you think about our work - e.g. via our new Google+ Community Page or other social networks.